Really Enjoy The Small and Simple Things!

Dan Morgan Blogger | Dan Morgan Yoga | Yoga Brighton | Yoga London

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

I hope each of your weeks got off to a great start and that you’re enjoying each day / moment as it comes!

This weeks subject for Wednesdays’ ‘Ways To Live A Happier Life’ is short and sweet:

“Really Enjoy The Small and Simple Things!”

I know…Simple right?! Maybe…or maybe not so much in this day and age - let me expand…Many of us choose to self proclaim ourselves as “too busy” to allow ourselves to properly indulge in a moment. Not only are many of us constantly pursuing something in order to feel some sense of self importance, or to improve our Status in society…we’re also plagued by constant distractions from our phones, laptops, TV’s, news updates etc that truly distract us from our ability to be present to what is going on for us right in the here and now. Take a breath. So I offer you a daily practice - it’s simple…

Action Step:

  1. Select something that you really love to do…one example of something I love to do, is to freshly grind coffee in the morning and sit in silence or with some good tunes and sip it slowly, savouring the taste and the stillness of the morning time. Some other examples could be going for a beautiful coastal walk, make some food, listen to an album first track to last etc whatever it is you know that you love, that is simple, and that allows you to deeper connect with yourself, someone else, or the world around you.

Learn to allow yourself the time to properly enjoy and indulge in something once a day - don’t overlook the beauty that can be found in something so seemingly simple. You don’t just need to achieve massive milestones to have enjoyment from your life! Anyways…thats it for now! Make sure to drop back in tomorrow as we have another guest writer for the blog.

Much Love, DCMx

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