Allowing Time for Peace & Self-Reflection.

Dan Morgan | DCM Lifestyle | Dan Morgan | Dan Morgan Yoga

Happy Mindful Monday Everyone!

I hope you’ve all had a beautiful start to the week. For those of you that regularly follow my adventures, I wanted to explain my absence last week and lack of daily posts here on the blog and on social media. Long story short, I was working on some soon-to-be-released content with a good friend for a large proportion of the week (very exciting), I took some downtime (much needed!), and then two life long friends came to hang out for the weekend (also much needed!) and before I knew it, Monday was upon me.All in all it turned out to be a really brilliant, productive and successful (both professionally and personally) week. I decided to take some time away from social media and the blog last week, as every so often (especially after some deep chats regarding direction and purpose in life), I find it very beneficial and rewarding to allow my self time and space to take stock of everything and to reflect. The time of peace and self reflection was needed, and ultimately lead to the writing of this blog. So for this weeks Mindful Monday post, I’m going to briefly discuss the Importance of Allowing time for peace and self Reflection.I’d like to start by offering you a few quotes that beautiful articulate why I feel time for peace and self reflection is such a valid practice:

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” – Ram Dass.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Anais Nin.

“Self-trust is the first secret of success.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

When we are stuck in this perpetual state of Business, often we are in auto-mode. We are metaphorically spending more time in the passenger seat rather than the driving seat of our own lives. We get swept along in the slipstream of life, a life that we may have created or manifested for ourselves…which sometimes can be a beautiful thing, but sometimes slightly concerning. “Just Go with the Flow” - a magical phrase that allows the sound possibility that life is full of surprise and wonder, encouraging us not to try and be too controlling of our lives and potential outcome - something I fully support. However, what if the flow is carrying us in a direction we don’t wish to be travelling? This phrase can also be destructive - leading to a passive outlook on life, potentially removing all responsibility and influence that we may have over our current life situation.As we all know, everything is always changing - both in our inner world and our outer world. Through regularly checking in with ourselves, we are able to more clearly hear, see or feel if our inner world is still aligned with your outer world. When we allow ourselves the time we need to reflect, take stock, and to honestly asses our current standing in the various aspects of our life, we are thenable decide what we wish to change, and can decide how to move forward in a direction that we wish to be travelling.

So I end this post by phrasing it simply - Gift yourself time for peace and self reflection. At least once a week, take at least an hour or two to reflect on the various aspects of your life. Check in with yourself, and ask yourself - does my inner world align with my outer world? Then start to make the necessary changes you need to make to be living your best life.That’s it for this evening! Catch you tomorrow for Tutorial Tuesday.

Much Love, DCM x

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