Does this sound like you?

  • You have a vision to create or design a life for yourself (and/or your loved ones) that feels like the perfect fit for you. 

  • You wish to live a life that is aligned with your values, wants, needs and aspirations.

  • You value your health as much (if not more) than the contents of your bank account.

  • You are committed to creating positive change - in your own life and the lives of others.

  • You value the health of your relationships as much as you do the success of your work.

  • You are willing to look at things differently and do things differently - even if it requires discomfort.

  • You are willing to be be brave, bold and courageous in the face of fear, and you understand that confidence is the result, not the requirement.

  • You aren’t willing to compromise on what you know would give you true happiness, satisfaction and fulfilment - even if it means walking the hard road.

  • You want to Thrive in all areas of your life. 

  • You are willing to put in the work required so that this could be possible for you.


You are in the right place.

One of the biggest challenges people face when it comes to creating a life that would truly be fulfilling for them, is that they get in their own way. Of course, this often isn’t a conscious decision or something that they are even aware of - but self sabotage is very common amongst people that are wishing to create large changes in their lives.

Why we get in our own way.

Why would we possibly want to sabotage ourselves despite the fact that we know that the life we are capable of creating is right there? This can be for a large number of reasons, but lets explore a few of the most common ones:

  • Fear plays a large role - fear of failure, fear of success, fear of what other people might think, fear of embarrassment, fear of disappointing others, fear of letting go, fear of losing all your money…the list goes on.

  • Our aspirations may require a new narrative, and that may go against the narrative(s) or story(s) that we currently hold about ourselves, our lives, yhe world that we live in, and what might be possible. Often we are operating on long-outdated narratives that have us repeating habits and behaviours that are limiting, and we don’t even realise it!

  • Self limiting beliefs that have us believe that staying as we are, where we are, with who we are and so on, is the ‘safer’ bet.

Helping you see more clearly.

You may already be aware of what is going on for you, and you may have even already been able to overcome a lot of the obstacles that you have faced or are facing. However, maybe you have reached the point that I did -  the point where you are tired of battling by yourself, or that you recognise that having support from someone would make this process a lot more simple.

As one of my coaches once said to me; “Dan, sometimes trying to figure all of this out by yourself, is like trying to see your own eye without a mirror.” 

Often having someone that can hold up that mirror for you can really empower you in your growth and development, and often in those moments of reflection there is a shift, and then a realisation or an insight that leads to the changes you are seeking,


I am an expert in helping people see what is going on for them. I work with people to help them see the stories that they have been telling themselves, and then support them in writing or authoring new ones. I help people uncover the belief systems that are influencing their outlooks and behaviours,  challenge them, and then create new more empowering belief systems. I support people in creating a life that would them truly happy, satisfied and successful. One which allows them to thrive in all areas.

I help people to see what could be possible for them - and then support them in making it happen!

If you are ready to start living a life that would truly fulfil you - book a complimentary consultation with me to discuss what could be possible.